Die Stingorg GmbH sticht durch die einzigartige Fähigkeit hervor, sich nahtlos in Teams zu integrieren und echte, pragmatische Lösungen zu liefern. Ihre kompetente Leitung bei der Implementierung neuer Regulierungen in unserem Unternehmen hat nicht nur kurzfristige Erfolge gebracht, sondern auch langfristige Verbesserungen in unseren Prozessen ermöglicht. Die Herangehensweise, Probleme direkt am Ort des Geschehens zu lösen, hat uns beeindruckt und auf einen stabilen Weg zu besserer Leistung und Qualität geführt. Ich empfehle Stingorg wärmstens jedem, der nach effektiven und nachhaltigen Lösungen sucht.

Die ausführliche Kundenstimme, können Sie hier nachlesen.


StingOrg has helped us take our output to the next level. Due to various problems, we found ourselves in a critical situation with our customers as we were unable to meet our delivery schedule. StingOrg has provided a very practical methodology with stand-up meetings in our production with the involvement of all critical stakeholders. This „going to the Gemba“ helped us to find the solutions that are right and easy to implement. We were very pleased with the support of StingOrg and would recommend StingOrg’s services to other companies that are in a similar situation. We incorporated the approach into our own continuous improvement program and have since been on a steady path to higher production rates and better quality.

General Manager

On the way to opening up new markets, de StingOrg GmbH advises us with technical and organizational expertise. In the demanding dismantling and certification phase to become an independent supplier for the automotive industry, Mr. Rolf Eickmann (Manager at StingOrg) helps us to successfully bring our production and products in this line to series production. Mr. Eickmann has the right competence and experience to support us in this challenging project. We are sure that we will be able to overcome all challenges along the way with it and make the outstanding Swarovski quality accessible to the automotive industry as well.

Executive Vice President Sales
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